Senior Product Owner (m/f/d)

Festanstellung, Vollzeit · München, Remote

Lesen Sie die Stellenbeschreibung in:
Job Description
We create digital scalable products that keep our customers safe at all times. Together with our engineering team, we ensure that our customer's digital processes are secure and perform well. The technological basis for this is provided by tailor-made system solutions that must work flawlessly, be continuously optimized and expanded.

As a Senior Product Owner you wil contribute to ensure our software works flawlessly for all our customers and is up to date with the latest industry trends. Your responsibilities include planning, investigating and documenting existing and new features. You are passionate about developing outstanding products with a user-centric approach and you can focus on details while not losing focus about the big picture.

You'll be working directly with our UI/UX team and the Head of Product as well as various stakeholders in order to develop state of the art products.
Your Responsibilities
  • Product life cycle: You manage the end-to-end life cycle of the product. This includes discovery, conceptualization, development and design, testing, monitor and support.
    Customer experience: You understand your customers needs, desires and pain points and work on solutions and pain relievers.
  • You own and drive the product vision for your product, its startegy and priorities together with your fellow PO's
  • Together with your engineering team, you build Cyber Security products with a smooth customer and partner experience, understanding the full life cycle of a customer
  • You bring together the interests of partners, end-customers and Myra Security
  • You negotiate priorities, scope and timelines and ensure that your roadmap is aligned in terms of feature specs and delivery dates with everyone interested
  • Together with your stakeholders (internal and external) you scope with a strong e2e mindset in order to shape up your products and processes
  • You monitor the needs and problems of our customers
  • You conduct market research and competitor analysis in cyber security as part of your regular work 
  • You analyze the product data and create hypotheses for possible improvements of our applications
  • You validate new solutions with real user data, e.g. with usability or A/B tests
  • You explore the market and are up to date with industry trends in order to propose solutions that bring the company on top of the competition
  • You translate stakeholder requirements into clear and precise user stories and acceptance criteria

Your Qualifications
  • You have at least 5 years of experience as Product Owner in an agile development environment
  • You have prior experience in the development of digital products, have ideally worked in Cyber security or a similar industry 
  • You are familiar with SaaS products and B2B environment
  • You are highly analytical and solving complex problems is what excites you
  • You are data and outcome driven and dig for the business KPIs before start building
  • You have vast experience in product discovery and delivery
  • You have a good technical understanding and practical experience around digital product's life cycle and best practices (e.g. modern web technologies and solutions)
  • You are a fan of structured requirements
  • You have excellent communication skills in English, German is a plus (written and verbal)
  • you are a real team player with strong motivation to contribute towards your team and the company success
About us

We protect  the real world against digital threats: This is the mission the Myra Security team pursues with utmost passion. The digital protection of companies, critical infrastructure, and government agencies is critical for the survival of our society. As a German technology manufacturer, Myra offers a secure, certified Security-as-a-Service platform for protecting digital business processes. Smart Myra technology monitors, analyzes, and filters malicious internet traffic before virtual attacks can do any real harm.

What we offer

  • An internationally operating tech company in a future-proof industry
  • A competitive salary and 30 days paid vacation
  • A structured onboarding with regular trainings
  • Flexible working hours, hybrid working and an agile work environment with a New Work character
  • A centrally located, dog-friendly office with rooftop terrace, height-adjustable desks, (subsidized) canteen as well as fresh fruit and drinks for free
  • Regular team lunches, barbecues and many other events
  • 1000 € training budget per year
  • Wellpass: We subsidize your sports membership
  • Bike leasing: Choose the bike of your dreams and save up to 40%
  • Private usage of our company-own Myra van up to 5 days per year
  • 9 € instead of 49 € - with us, the 9 € Germany ticket lives on
  • Employee discounts with Corporate Benefits
At Myra, we believe in the superiority of diversity. We strive to provide an inclusive work environment where you feel accepted and equal. If you have any questions, including about the accessibility of working with us, please contact us on +49 (0)89 9 97 40 12 0 or
Job Beschreibung
We create digital scalable products that keep our customers safe at all times. Together with our engineering team, we ensure that our customer's digital processes are secure and perform well. The technological basis for this is provided by tailor-made system solutions that must work flawlessly, be continuously optimized and expanded.

As a Senior Product Owner you wil contribute to ensure our software works flawlessly for all our customers and is up to date with the latest industry trends. Your responsibilities include planning, investigating and documenting existing and new features. You are passionate about developing outstanding products with a user-centric approach and you can focus on details while not losing focus about the big picture.

You'll be working directly with our UI/UX team and the Head of Product as well as various stakeholders in order to develop state of the art products.
Deine Aufgaben
  • Product life cycle: You manage the end-to-end life cycle of the product. This includes discovery, conceptualization, development and design, testing, monitor and support.
    Customer experience: You understand your customers needs, desires and pain points and work on solutions and pain relievers.
  • You own and drive the product vision for your product, its startegy and priorities together with your fellow PO's
  • Together with your engineering team, you build Cyber Security products with a smooth customer and partner experience, understanding the full life cycle of a customer
  • You bring together the interests of partners, end-customers and Myra Security
  • You negotiate priorities, scope and timelines and ensure that your roadmap is aligned in terms of feature specs and delivery dates with everyone interested
  • Together with your stakeholders (internal and external) you scope with a strong e2e mindset in order to shape up your products and processes
  • You monitor the needs and problems of our customers
  • You conduct market research and competitor analysis in cyber security as part of your regular work 
  • You analyze the product data and create hypotheses for possible improvements of our applications
  • You validate new solutions with real user data, e.g. with usability or A/B tests
  • You explore the market and are up to date with industry trends in order to propose solutions that bring the company on top of the competition
  • You translate stakeholder requirements into clear and precise user stories and acceptance criteria
Dein Profil
  • You have at least 5 years of experience as Product Owner in an agile development environment
  • You have prior experience in the development of digital products, have ideally worked in Cyber security or a similar industry 
  • You are familiar with SaaS products and B2B environment
  • You are highly analytical and solving complex problems is what excites you
  • You are data and outcome driven and dig for the business KPIs before start building
  • You have vast experience in product discovery and delivery
  • You have a good technical understanding and practical experience around digital product's life cycle and best practices (e.g. modern web technologies and solutions)
  • You are a fan of structured requirements
  • You have excellent communication skills in English, German is a plus (written and verbal)
  • you are a real team player with strong motivation to contribute towards your team and the company success
Über uns
Wir schützen das reale Leben vor digitalen Gefahren - diese Mission verfolgt das Team von Myra Security mit größter Passion. Die digitale Absicherung von Unternehmen, kritischen Infrastrukturen und öffentlichen Auftraggebern ist für unsere Gesellschaft überlebenswichtig. Als deutscher Technologiehersteller bietet Myra eine sichere, zertifizierte Security-as-a-Service-Plattform zum Schutz digitaler Geschäftsprozesse. Die smarte Myra-Technologie überwacht, analysiert und filtert schädlichen Internet-Traffic, noch bevor virtuelle Angriffe einen realen Schaden anrichten.
Was wir Dir bieten:         
  • Ein international agierendes Team in einer zukunftssicheren Branche
  • Ein überdurchschnittliches Gehalt sowie 30 Tage bezahlten Urlaub
  • Ein strukturiertes Onboarding und regelmäßige Trainings
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Hybrid Working und eine agile Arbeitsumgebung
  • Ein zentral gelegenes, hundefreundliches Büro mit Dachterrasse, höhenverstellbaren Tischen, (subventionierter) Kantine, frischem Obst und Getränken for free
  • Regelmäßige Team-Lunches, Grillabende und weitere Events
  • Jährlich 1.000 € individuelles Weiterbildungsbudget
  • Subventionierte Sportmitgliedschaft (Wellpass)
  • Fahrrad-Leasing - such Dir Dein Wunschrad aus und spare bis zu 40%
  • Möglichkeit der privaten Nutzung unseres firmeneigenen Myra Vans
  • 9 € statt 49 € - bei uns lebt das 9-Euro-Deutschlandticket weiter
  • Mitarbeiterrabatte mit Corporate Benefits

Bei Myra glauben wir an die Überlegenheit von Vielfalt. Unser Bestreben ist, ein integratives Arbeitsumfeld zu bieten, in dem Du Dich angenommen und gleichwertig fühlst. Bei Fragen, auch zur Barrierefreiheit des Arbeitens bei uns, kontaktiere uns gerne unter +49 (0)89 9 97 40 12 10 oder   
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